Grant Writing - Rhonda Lowe

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Grant Writing/Funding Source

Your nonprofit may rely on grants to support meaningful programs or day-to-day operations. But applying for grants can be both time-intensive and intimidating. Most non-profits meet their end because of financial hardship.
Through the grant writing process, your organization can discuss and refine those goals and develop a sharper focus on the tasks and projects required to succeed. Additionally, grant writing gives nonprofit managers an opportunity to develop perseverance.

Nonprofit grant writing also allows your organization to focus on planning for long-term goals. Many grant applications require your organization to specify the long-term objectives of your project or your overall organization. Through the grant writing process, your organization can discuss and refine those goals and develop a sharper focus on the tasks and projects required to succeed.
The process of applying for grants can require months of effort and waiting, and often you will need to apply multiple times to more than one source before receiving the funding you seek.

While you are waiting for grants, there are other financial resources to help you sustain your organization.
Through this training you will learn, the ins and outs, ups and downs, truth and facts, laws, and liabilities. You will learn how to affectively write an award-winning grant. You have heard many people, organizations, speakers, and grant writers with many years of experience offer courses, help, advice, and solutions but, at the end of the day you have not been approved for a grant, you are still confused, and intimidated.
So, here are the BIG questions. I know what you are thinking. Why should I listen to you? Why should you be any different? What is different about your advice, and your many years of grant writing?

NOTHING! Because everyone who you have encounter has the experience in years, and education as advertise or stated. I am just a person, entrepreneur, business owner who believes that a “A Good Leader, will tell you how grants are possible for your organization; A Great Leader will show you, and make you believe that your organization can receive a grant”
Certificate of Completion
50 hrs.
Grant Writing/Funding Source
Participant Manual

$ 25.00
Your nonprofit may rely on grants to support meaningful programs or day-to-day operations. But applying for grants can be both time-intensive and intimidating. Most non-profits meet their end because of financial hardship.Through the grant writing process, your organization can discuss and refine those goals and develop a sharper focus on the tasks and projects required to succeed. Additionally, grant writing gives nonprofit managers an opportunity to develop perseverance.

Jacksonville Florida


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