He Played For Her - Rhonda Lowe

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He Played For Her

Life isn't always simple but, it's a journey that must be taken, you find love, heartache, pain along this journey; and days you wish to give up. But, at the end of the journey you discover you. That is more important than finding love. You have to first love yourself before you can truly love another. Sometimes, our choices create an alternate road within our journey without exits. Life is complicated but manageable.Follow a young woman who uses genres of music to express the men that she crossed on her journey to herself.  The first sequel "She Played For Him", second sequel, "He Played for Her Jazz", and the third sequel "I Played For myself. As a Psychology, and Mental Health Counselor, I have created true stories out of multiple real-life stories, expressed in poetry.
He Played For Her

$ 14.95

This is a sequel to the Poetry Book “She Played For Him”. Life has a way of mixing things up. Her heart was deeply rooted in him. “She Played For Him” was the desire and love he had for music, she wanted so much to feel where music took him, and be a part of his world.  She lost herself when she met him. Years later she realized that music changed her; and now someone comes along and “He Plays For Her”; he wants to feel where music takes her, and he wants to be a part of her world.
Sometimes we find ourselves when we let go. Now someone who was meant to stay can see you and not your low-self-esteem, your lack of trust, your revenge in your heart but, you, the one you lost while trying so hard to be a part of someone life, and like a puzzle you didn’t fit but, you stayed to long, forcing the pieces to go together.
When you hold on to something so tight, you have to let go of something to get a grip, and you don’t realize it was you had to let go of.
After a Lifetime of endless travels to fulfill her desires, she finally realize that she must Play for herself.
Follow her in her next sequel “I Played For Me”

Jacksonville Florida



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